Documentary of the Week Poll:

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What in God's Name is a #DocClub?

I guess I should start with elaborating on what a Doc Club is. 1. Do you like to watch documentaries? 2. Do you ever want to talk about them with someone who actually might care? - If you answered yes to both, then welcome to the Doc Club.

I realized pretty early in my life that I wasn't much of a reader. And by that I mean. I hate reading. I was interested in a lot of different things and wanted to learn more but actually physically picking up a book to read was not an option. Every year I'd add the classic "Read more books" to my new years resolution list. 99% of the time I ended up just reading more magazines then marked that resolution off my list as a great success.

Documentaries are the perfect way for a lazy person to learn stuff without having to go through the horrible effort of turning pages and falling asleep on your kindle. I discovered these beautiful things while browsing around on Instant Netflix. I wish I could remember what my first documentary was and add in an emotionally cool story but no one really cares anyway.

My goal for this blog (once I actually figure out how to work it) is to have a "Documentary of the Week" every Monday and then blog about how much I either loathed it or loved it on the following Sunday or whenever I feel like it. Sound good? Cool.

This is already getting pretty lengthy and I probably would have stopped reading by now to go do something more important like online shopping.

So in conclusion, it's been real it's been fun but it ain't been real fun.

Toods dudes,

A fellow documentary addict

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