Maxed Out
Synopsis: With sobering facts, this thought-provoking documentary unveils the consequences of Americans' collective addiction to plastic debt -- including its contribution to the vanishing of a once-robust middle class. Investigating personal debt, the U.S. government's out-of-control national debt and those who prey on the poor, this film explores the staggering financial burden people live with every day, which has driven some to extreme action. Instant Netflix
Tent City U.S.A.
Synopsis: Due to economic recession, a growing number of people are finding themselves in a position they never imagined: homeless. Nearly 100 homeless individuals have formed Nashville's Tent City, which is located under a bridge close to the city's center. Instant Netflix
The American Scream
Synopsis: In the sleepy town of Fairhaven, MA, The American Scream follows the creative minds behind three local homemade haunts and their spirited, passionate and sometimes harrowing efforts in igniting their town's Halloween spirit each year. Instant Netflix
Synopsis: The high cost -- to both the environment and our health -- of bottled water is the subject of this documentary that enlists activists, environmentalists, community leaders and others to expose the dark side of the bottled water industry. Americans may rethink their obsession with bottled H20 when they learn of the unregulated industry's willingness to ignore environmental and health concerns, and the problems that arise as a result. Instant Netflix
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