Documentary of the Week Poll:

Monday, July 22, 2013

DOTW Review: The Woman Who Wasn't There

This review is a week late because I suck. My busyness (is that a word?) got the best of me and I apologize. But in other news- this documentary was mind blowing. It's about a woman named Tania Head who had an incredible 9/11 survivor story. She worked in the World Trade Center when the planes hit. She walked down 78 floors with the skin on her arm dangling, she crawled through rubble and was saved by a man who risked his life for her. Her husband died at ground zero and she was devastated. She became involved in the World Trade Center Survivor' Network and helped others cope with their grief and trauma.

Spoiler alert: it's all a lie. The title is The Woman Who Wasn't There so I'm pretty sure you all already knew that. It really is a insane story though. To actually see how detailed her lies were and how many people were affected by these lies is just crazy. Whenever I try to lie about something dumb I can't even keep my lie straight for more than an hour without getting caught instantly. This woman is truly a pro. People who live secret lives intrigue me to no end. It was interesting because she had no real personal gain from these lies except for attention. Usually secret lives include money, sex, murder, or some sort of sick pleasure. She helped a lot of people cope with their horrible memories and experiences from 9/11 and spent so much time with them. No one ever questioned it because WHY would someone lie about that. It's kind of like when something horrible happens or when someone dies everyone acts like they have some connection to that event or that deceased person. I always wonder why you'd want to act like you knew that person if they died? Psychologically it's very interesting to me. Anyways- I hate "Tania Head" and you should too even if you haven't watched it yet. I definitely recommend watching this doc!

Keep it real & tell the truth,


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