Documentary of the Week Poll:

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Guest Review: Cleanflix

I think I was 12 when I went to summer camp. While there some of the older boys were said to be showing a XXX film in their room. Being 12 I didn't realize how odd that was for a group of males to gather together to see such a thing. I did however know it was wrong.. Or at least naughty.

Flash forward to being 37 and I was suddenly aware exactly how wrong. You see there's a city in Utah that realized this for me, for you, for us all... any form of profanity and or sexual content is seriously wrong. So much so that to see it would seriously fu.. sorry.. upset you for the rest of your life due to exposure.

This is very well explained in the movie 'Cleanflix' where we are welcomed to a society where under prophetic guidance a population has decided, or had it decided for them, that to consume any R rated film would render them weak to the charms of pre marital sex and or mall gun rage.

Whilst laughable at the start that grownups can't handle the notion of violence or sex it becomes quickly apparent that like in any other society business conquers all. There actually is a demand for 'cleaned up movies' as such a computer editing geeks take out all adult themed material from major movies for their patrons to enjoy no doubt with some home popped corn and maybe an O'douls or two. Some even suggest their skills to remove such content improves on the art they are altering, you'd be correct in your assumption that the original creators of these movies don't subscribe to that same opinion.

Cleanflix takes you on a tale of religion, law suits, business, and scandal that for the most part seems fairly unbelievable if true (and it clearly is) except for the scandal which considering the location and code of morals that followers of the LDS church outwardly adhere to one must imagine goes on fairly regularly behind closed doors.

This doc is well worth a look in the same way that the Truman Show was as it's a truly bizarre world that these people live in, you tend to wonder who's pulling the strings off set.

- @il_moniker

Instant Netflix

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