Documentary of the Week Poll:

Friday, August 9, 2013

Guest Review: The Secret

When I was asked to do a guest review I jumped at the opportunity. Mainly because I've made a promise to myself recently to take on new challenges. I also am trying to pull myself out of a funk, a funk of which I've been in for almost a year. So it was only right that my first review be about the motivational documentary, 'The Secret'.

The Secret is an educational documentary based off of the book by the same name written by Rhonda Byrne. If you are anything like me, you read in spurts, sometimes reading regularly for a few months on end, only to then go on a reading hiatus. The film version of 'The Secret' is absolutely perfect for people like us.

From the very beginning this film speaks to you. Literally, it speaks to you. This is not a documentary where you are being told about something. 'The Secret' is a conversation being had with you; it's interactive and thought provoking. Certain types of people will find this documentary not only entertaining; but useful. 'The Secret' is one of those documentaries that can be used as a daily tool; you can apply the knowledge and teachings to your life as you see fit. I personally am an individual who is currently trying to improve my life and would recommend this film to just about anyone.

'The Secret' might be difficult to watch in groups; especially where the make up is diverse. I categorize it as a motivational documentary that should be viewed alone: or with a companion you feel comfortable with. There are parts in this 'experience' that ask you to actually participate, there are other parts in which you might feel compelled to speak out. I can say one thing, if at the end of this film you don't feel motivated to do things differently you might not be alive.

The positivity in this film could be a little much for some viewers; as the collection of narrators have different personalities, but one underlying message... people who gravitate towards darker, tear jerker documentaries should probably wait until they are in a better mood to give this film a look.

Good Viewing,

Henry "H.O.” Olawoye

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